Brainy beauties blossom

Here is a double feature of movies about girls in transition. The recommendation is first from 1998, "Girl" followed by, from 2009, "An Education" These are for everyone who doubts that woman are made from unbreakable stuff.
"Girl" stars Dominique Swain as Andrea Marr, a bright well raised high school senior who pursues her rock idol, Sean Patrick Flanery as Todd Sparrow. Once you've seen this movie you'll forever say "Todd Sparrow" with a breathless sigh.
"An Education" stars Carey Mulligan as Jenny Mellor, a bright well raised Oxford bound sweet sixteen who is pursued by Peter Sarsgaard as David Goldman. Thirty something David does not have her best interests in mind and it's the first lesson she won't learn fast enough.
Both movies respect their heroines and remind us of the disorienting effects of losing ourselves in first love.

1 comment:

dianak said...

Well said! You should monetize this blog - people would pay BIG bucks, dontcha think? :P

PS - In case you're wondering, you now officially have one follower...