
Here is a double feature of movies that hinge on keeping secret the time and place of amphibious invasions of World War II. The recommendation is first from 1956, "The Man Who Never Was" followed by, from 1981, "Eye of the Needle." The pair are for those who like a bit of social engineering more than Computer-generated imagery.
"The Man Who Never Was" is a spy vs spy tale based on a British Intelligence plan to create disinformation about the allied invasion of Sicily. The Germans try to uncover the plot and much hinges on the heroic cooperation of a woman to keep it secret.
"Eye of the Needle" is a spy vs spy tale based on Allied counter-intelligence to disguise the true time and place of the invasion of France. A german spy discovers the truth and is hunted. Much hinges on the heroic cooperation of a woman to keep it secret.
Both movies have a feel of storytelling from an earlier era and provide tension in an unambiguous good versus evil tale.

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