Falling in love with Brendan Fraser

Do you enjoy Brendan Fraser being on his best behavior? Find here two movies where this actor shows how to bring to life a character who learned well how to be polite. First from 1999, "Blast from the Past" followed with from 1996, "Mrs. Winterbourne." These two movies are for the people who want the good boy to get the girl.
"Blast from the Past" is a boy meets girl with Mr. Fraser and Alicia Silverstone playing Adam and Eve respectively. She's very modern; He's more traditional. The cast rounds out with actors Christopher Walken, Sissy Spacek, and Dave Foley. If you have had enough of the girl running away with the bad body, this is for you.
"Mrs. Winterbourne" is a boy meets girl with Mr. Fraser and Ricki Lake playing Connie Doyle and Bill Winterbourne respectively. Well, actually Mr. Fraser portrays both Bill and Hugh Winterbourne. There is a bad boy throwing a wrench in things in this one but everyone is well mannered about it. The cast rounds out with actors Shirley MacLaine and Miguel Sandoval. If you want to watch a great set of in-laws, this is for you.
Each movie turns more of less on the believability of Brendan Fraser's character's good nature. Watching good behaviour feels good.

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