Two in Tokyo

Find here two very different films set in Tokyo, Japan. First from 2003, "Lost in Translation" and next from 2008, "The Ramen Girl.". They don't seem the same yet there is a pinch of isolation, a spoon of romance, and enough ambience to make you feel like you know something about the place even if you've never been there.
"Lost in Translation" is an atmospheric blanket that will wrap you in it's mood and bend your thoughts to it's world. For whom are our obligations if not to those who we affect and are also affected by? Confused Charlotte brought to life by Scarlett Johansson finds herself only truly seen by confused Bob Harris played by Bill Murray. Out of place in Tokyo, soul meets soul.
"The Ramen Girl" follows Abby portrayed by Brittany Murphy as she finds the strength to form a new dream. Out of place in Tokyo, she adopts a new culinary culture and aspires to be more than the waif she is. This movie has an 80s feel for those old enough to remember that decade.
Both movies will put you in a new place and ask you how you feel.

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