Serious about costumes

Here is a double feature about the way the world looks when you put on a costume. The recommendation is first from 1984, "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension" followed by, from 1999, "Mystery Men." For anyone who can laugh without a snare drum signaling the end of the punch line these films will please.
"The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension" stars Peter Weller as Buckaroo Banzai an adventurer, surgeon, rock musician and leader of the Hong Kong Cavaliers who must thwart the plans of John Lithgow as Dr. Emilio Lizardo, an evil invader from the 8th dimension.
"Mystery Men" stars Hank Azaria, Ben Stiler, and William H. Macy as amateur superheroes who must use their questionable super powers to thwart the evil designs of Geoffrey Rush as Casanova Frankenstein, a villian with plans to destroy their city.
Both movies are absurd and strange yet still manage to tap into childhood impressions about what life must be like as a seemingly super human adult.

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